Quality Content Verified by AI and Human Language Experts

Verify delivers content verification and reduces costs compared to traditional methods.

Choose the
best Verify
plan for you

Monthly/Annual per company fee for using Straker Verify
Access to Quality Evaluation
Access to AI Translation
Access to AI Content Verification + Chat in Slack
No limitation of user number
$199 USD
Billed monthly.
$1,900 USD
Annual Plan billed monthly.
Save 20% Off
Coming Soon

Add Ons

Customize your experience by choosing from a variety of additional add-ons. Each add-on is priced separately, so you can customize your plan without paying for features you don't need. Billing for add-ons will follow the same payment schedule as the platform fee.


Build and store workflows tailored to your organization, linking them to quality decisions and final approval or translations.


Allow your internal teams to access, review, and finalize content. Our platform includes both in-context and standard validation environments.

Quality Boost+

Our feature evaluates Al-translated content and uses a large language model (LLM) to improve its quality, making the text sound more natural in the target language.


Verify supported connectors (AEM, Adobe Commerce, Drupal, Sitecore)

Regionalised Hosting

Customers can define where customer records are stored and referenced.

Token Pricing

Tokens offer a flexible way to access and utilize Straker Verify's Al capabilities. With our usage-based model, purchase tokens and only pay for the features you actually use. While tokens generally correspond to the number of words, the exact count may vary.

Quality Evaluation

Evaluate the quality of translations to ensure high standards of accuracy, fluency, and consistency. Our Quality Evaluation feature reduces the need for human review, allowing for quick assessment of Al-translated content. Plus, we integrate your translation memory into the files we process for even better results.


per 1000 Words
AI Translation

Instantly translate chat, text, and documents with high accuracy using our Al-powered translation service. We use the best Al and neural machine translation engines tailored to your language pair and specialization.


per 1000 Words