Manage your translations,
even on-the-go

Simplify tasks with easy translations right from your workplace app.

Communicate Without Language Barriers With Straker Translate App for Slack

Ultimate AI Language Companion

Translate in Channel feature allows
instant AI translations in any channels.

Localize Content

Instant document translations and video transcriptions in multiple languages.

Real-Time Quality Evaluations

Easily connect with Straker language experts, evaluating the accuracy of any language conversions whenever necessary.

Meet Straker Verify

Manage Translation Projects On-Demand

  1. On-Demand Job Status: Use Straker Translate App within Slack to check the status of your submitted jobs by typing search followed by the job number.
  2. Quickly Determine Job Status: This feature allows you to quickly verify whether the jobs are being completed on time, or if they're at risk, helping in proactive project management.
  3. View Job Risks: With the command '/straker my jobs' in Slack, you can monitor your ongoing translation jobs. The jobs get categorized as "In Progress, In Validation, Pending Quotes, and Completed" for fast risk detection.
  4. Gain Transparency: Manage your translation jobs effortlessly, ensuring no missed project deadlines with Straker App for Slack.
  5. Full Visibility of Job Status and Cost: Receive notifications directly into your workspace or by typing a command in the message pane for complete transparency of your translation costs and job status.

Enhance Productivity Within

Your Organization

  1. Streamlined Workflow: Manage your translation project effectively by submitting new requests, accepting quotes, receiving translated files, and tracking project status, all within the app.
  2. Assistant Support: Utilize Straker's assistant to provide immediate help with a range of translation needs.
  3. Submitting Directly: Save time and effort by submitting translation jobs directly in Slack using Straker Translate App.
  4. User-Friendly Operations: Drop and drag files and fill out the required fields to easily receive and accept project quotes within Slack.
  5. Diverse File Formats: Straker supports a wide range of file formats, such as AI, DOC, DOCX, GIF, HTM, HTML, JPG, JSON, ODP, ODS, ODT, PDF, PNG, PPT, PPTX, PSD, RESX, RTF, SRT, TXT, VTT, XLIFF, XLS, XLSX, XML, CSV, DITA, IDML, PROPERTIES, STRINGS, TS, and XLF, facilitating your translation projects
Meet Straker Verify
Meet Straker Verify

Save Time and Streamline Collaboration

  1. Efficient File Reception: Move faster while saving valuable time with Straker's notifications which alert you when your translation files are ready to download.
  2. Enhanced Collaboration: Simplify your workspace by discussing, decision-making, and collaborating with colleagues and collaborators directly within Slack. 

  3. Fast Market Delivery: Finalize your project quickly and efficiently.
Download Our App for Slack Today

Connecting the Straker Translate App for Slack

Step 1: Add Straker Translate app to Slack

Straker Translate will be the live app for Slack. Download here.
Your workspace admin will need to approve and install Straker Translate app within your Slack.
Once your admin has installed the app, all other users in the workspace should be able to search and add Straker Translate from the Apps section in Slack.

Step 2: Connect Straker App to your organization's account using the following methods:

Method A
Connect the Straker Translate App to your organization's account by clicking on Connect LanguageCloud Account.
Method B
Type the command connect to connect Straker Translate App to your organization's account pressing enter in Slack, and then click on Connect LanguageCloud account.

Step 3: Log in for LanguageCloud.

If you don't have an account, click on the Sign up button, enter your email address and password, and then click Sign up. You will be notified to check your email and verify your LanguageCloud account. Once you verify your email you will be connected within your Straker Translate App for Slack.

Step 4: Once Straker Translate App is connected, you will receive a notification.